Just wanted to try making a recursive fractal macro. The house was going nowhere fast; maybe I’ll give it another try later, just make something simple as a scene prop. This was a little more complicated than I thought it would be, and I […]
Tag: raytracing
Messing Around With Intersections
Not much to look at, but I’m hoping to make this into something that can be used for a roof on a house. I want to be able to define the perimeter by a series of points and have it automatically make a roof […]
Bottles on a Windowsill
Ok, so it’s a very simple scene, but I was getting a bit worn with this, and I think the bottles are pretty alright for now. This is just something to close the project out with. Next time, I should add a little texture […]
And Now, a Little Randomness
Looks like I haven’t posted in a little over a month. Wow, so easy to slack off.I was trying to make a label for the bottle, but I’m getting a bit side tracked at the moment. Just want to make a “quick” picture, and […]
New Link – No Lights
Just a link to a POV site I found this week. No Lights, the site of Tim Nikias. I only took a brief look, it has a POV-Ray gallery, and what looks like some useful include files, such as a set of macros for […]
Bezier Fun
Well, no update in a little over a month, but I have been working on a macro to convert a linear spline to control points for use in a bezier spline, which seems a bit easier to get what I want than a cubic […]
Adventures in Ignorance
Haven’t had a proper update to the site in a while. No excuses for it, except that I haven’t been making as much progress with the raytracing in a while. So I did a bit of poking around the POV-Ray website, and found a […]
An Update to the Lantern
I had made a wallpaper of this one, but decided that blue might go better with the background. It took 21 hrs 23 min and 52 sec to render. I think it does look better, though.
One Step Closer…
Well, I decided to add in a bunch of points to make the interior hollow, but for some reason it wasn’t working. I banged my head against it for pretty much the whole week, until I realized I was referencing a variable that I […]
Smoothed Array/Lessons Learned
So I took a little time to smooth out the spline, and learned something: check the output of the functions you use. I was getting an error that POV-Ray was trying to use an xyz vector as a uv vector, which it apparently does […]
Visualization for a Spline
Sometimes it is helpful to tweak the objects so that they are easier to see; the glass material was making it hard to see what was going on here. And the floor plane cut off the bottom of the bottle. Now it looks like […]
And on to another project I go. The logo is pretty much finalized, and I’ll probably make a wallpaper from it, but I wanted to take a little break and try something different. This time, I’m starting off by making an include file, instead […]
Finished Logo
Well, finally got the thing done. It’s a bit of a kludge, code-wise, but it gets the job done. I might go in and redefine it all in terms of logo height and width, so it’s more useful later on. And I want to […]
Linux Mint Logo
Well, done with the lantern, on to something different. I’m actually “working” on several things, but mostly focused on this Linux Mint logo for the moment. I thought it would be a fairly simple thing to put together for a change, and so far, […]