A Light Interlude…

Just a link to a POV-Ray user’s website. I was browsing through the “People Pages” section of the POV-Ray homepage, and most of the links were dead. Pretty sad, so I thought I’d post another link, so I could at least find the sites […]

Back From Hiatus

Well, finally got back moving on this. I modified the globe object, using a lathe instead of a sphere. This way looks like it yields an uneven wall thickness, though. I tried a difference of two lathe objects earlier; I might go back to […]


Of course I had to get sidetracked.Trying to make a gas lantern, and decided to make something to create a path defined by a set of points, but with rounded corners. Yeah, you could use a spheresweep object, but that doesn’t use a constant […]

And On a Related Note…

I just saw a link on the POV-Ray newsgroups about modelling the glass/water interface. It mentioned the double-reflections that I have been seeing in the glass of water I’ve been rendering, so this might be useful. Mostly I’m posting this to remember it for […]

Clear Water, Finally

After a bit more hair pulling and reading through the newsgroups, I finally found the problem. I had used the parameter “max_intersections” in global_settings, but should have used “max_trace_level” instead. I used a value of 10, but it looks like 7 or 8 will […]